Someday – someday I tell you – I will be better at updating this blog. Someday….

The title of this post is referring to the fact that I mentioned that I made this Watermelon cake, and that I would post about it – and that’s happened. Of course I made this cake LAST summer which makes it an OLD old post. My bad. At least I think it was summer – in any event, it was really hot out. I need to make that cake again.

The intention of this blog entry is to simply give an update on me. Boring, I know, not nearly as exciting as when I make something. Speaking of which, I made White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies for my sister. Because she’s a cookie NUT. She’s like a Jessi-Made-Something-Sweet nut really.

Back to my point. My last post was made from Plymouth, Michigan, but this post – I’m making it from my new home in the City of Houston, in Texas. That’s right. I HAVE RETURNED HOME. Texas has, for as long as I can remember, always been consdered my home, you know, to me. My heart always wanted to return back to Texas – it’s where I belong. It’s where my Dad’s family is.

Sadly, about a month after we got here, one of my two favorite aunt (the other one being on my Mom’s side) died. She was my dad’s sister, his older sister, and she was sooo nice. I got to see her once before she died, and we were supposed to see each other the weekend she died. I miss her. She was one of those people who deserved the world, but didn’t have much, but considered that the world, because it was all they needed. A remarkable lady, gone far too soon, and I miss her and wish I had had more time with her before it happened.

But that’s what this about, talking about the big change in my life, moving from Michigan to Texas. I have not been to the ocean yet, but you can bet your buttons the first chance I have teh money I’m going. Last time I was there was in 2008, so it’s overdue.

Until next time –
